Training materials

You can download the training materials that we will be using for the entire session by clicking the download button below.

Please note that you need to download the entire folder data_viz_ggplot.
Install in your device the newest version of R (link) and RStudio (link).

If you are new in R and RStudio, check out the helpful guide on this page for basic navigation of R and RStudio. We are excited to have you in our training, see you there!

Download training materials

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  • Use and to navigate through the slides
  • Use F to toggle full screen
  • Use O to view an overview of all slides
  • Use H to see a list of other shortcuts

Session 1: Introduction to data wrangling (In progress)

View slides in new window Download as PDF

Session 2: Understanding grammar of graphics

View slides in new window Download as PDF

Session 3: Creating plots and ggplot2 extensions

View slides in new window Download as PDF

Session 4: Challenge: recreating graphics

View slides in new window Download as PDF