Session 1: Introduction to data wrangling.


  • R objects and packages
  • Reading data into R
  • Basic data wrangling with dplyr
  • Reshaping data
  • Basic management of data types
    • text data (string)
    • categorical (factor)
    • date data

Session 2: Understanding grammar of graphics


  • Foundation of grammar of graphics
  • Dataset and mappings
  • Geometries
  • Statistical transformation and plotting distribution
  • Position adjustment and scales
  • Coordinates and themes
  • Facets and custom plots

Session 3: Creating plots and ggplot2 extensions


  • APA style plots
    • Line plot
    • Box plot
    • Bar plot
    • Scatter plot
  • Visualizing data
    • Lollipop plot
    • Dumbbell plot
    • Bar graph
    • Bubble plot
    • World cloud
    • Heat map

Session 4: Challenge: recreating graphics

  • In progress...